Looking for the perfect workout program and the secret to making quick progress? Watching reputable bloggers in the sports community?
At a minimum, start tracking your training frequency and monitoring your progress. To do this, you need a sports program in your smartphone - try Dzen Sport and use the convenient Tabata timer.
Workout in gym. On the street. Houses. Go in for professional sports - combat, crossfit. Create your own training programs.
Sport takes a significant part in the lives of people who look after their health. We will try to add a little motivation to you, set new records in sports and training, and monitor your progress. Remember - you can do everything and even more! Dzen Sport will help you with this. Just install the application on your smartphone and your workouts will become more effective, your body is more perfect, and your spirit is stronger. Enjoy your workout :)
With Dzen Sport you can:
• train correctly in gym, on the street, at home
• create your own workout programs
• monitor the progress of your body
• view graphs of records and weights
• use the convenient Tabata timer
• control the time during training
• use hints and tips when doing exercises
• your personal trainer in your smartphone.